Grilled Monkfish




30 min


15 min


  • 4 x 200 gm ‏Monkfish, filleted
  • 8 tbsp ‏Olive Oil
  • 2 ‏Lemons, juiced
  • 1 sprig ‏Rosemary, leaves picked
  • 4 tsp ‏Sea Salt
  • 1 cups ‏Walnuts, chopped
  • 2 cups ‏Yellow Tomatoes, chopped
  • 1⁄2 cup ‏Red Chillies, chopped
  • 1 cup ‏Sesame seeds, roasted and ground
  • 3 bunches ‏Watercress
  • 2 tbsp ‏Dry salad spice (I make mine with sumac, oregano, mint and saffron)

Monkfish is usually sold after the head is removed, and the remaining part of the body — simply called the “tail” — is skinned and filleted.  This white fish is firm, meaty and succulent, and is perfect for grilling or pan-frying. This recipe is for grilled fish fillets, served with a walnut chilli sauce and watercress salad. You’ll find recipes for both of these below as well.


In a mortar & pestle, combine 2 teaspoons of sea salt, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, rosemary leaves and half of the lemon juice. Smash the mix to make paste. Rub the paste all over the monkfish fillets. Transfer the fish fillets to a tray and refrigerate for 30-60 minutes.

For Walnut Chilli Sauce: You can make the sauce by mixing the walnuts, tomatoes, sesame, red chillies, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 teaspoons of sea salt, and the remaining olive juice in a bowl. Make sure the mixture has the consistency of a thick paste rather than a liquid sauce.

Place a griddle baking tray inside your oven and preheat it to 425°F.

For Watercress Salad: Meanwhile you prepare your salad. Put the leaves in a bowl, pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil on top followed by the salad spice, and then mix it well with a spoon.

Now take the monkfish fillets out of the fridge, and carefully put them on the hot griddle tray. Depending on how thick the fillets are, cook for about 5-6 minutes on each side. Use a spatula to turn the meat — if you move it around too much, it will break and won’t brown properly.

Place the fish on a plate and serve it with the walnut chilli sauce and watercress salad. Worth all the effort.


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